Each time I spend a day out, I returned sunburnt without even attempting a tan. Woke up rather early and decided on exploring Balbao Island once again. Previously I had my bicycle with me and it was rather inconvenient to check out the crowded shops with the bike so took a bus there instead and just walked on foot.
This part of town just feels somewhat different. Little shops lined along both sides of the street and each shop is heavily decorated with their merchandise and have lots of American flags hanging off of them. Each shop is unique and it's a typical American town. The same goes for the houses here and I believe these residential place is worth millions especially those that goes right out to the beach with private piers for their boats.
Balbao Island in Newport Beach. This is the place where celebrities own summer houses and where I spotted a Sea-lion beached itself 4 feet away from on-lookers and simply posed for my pictures.
I walked on and noticed cars driving up onto a ramp above the waters and saw it's a transportation ferry. People just walked right onto it and so did I. The other side of the island seems real near so I didnt think twice about getting on. This 3 min ferry costs a buck and passengers sits next to cars (max 3 at a time) with their occupants in it. The crew was a funny guy, when he went round collecting the fare from the car passengers, he jokes whether they're hiding anyone in their trunk. Now that's an idea! Next time we go Sentosa, I shall pack my friend in the trunk. Save 2 dollars. Hey 2 dollars can get you a cheeseburger okay. You eat the cheeseburger and stay in the trunk.
Other side of the island is where I had my lunch, the Harbourside Resturant. Diners have plenty of sea-view thanks to their large glass. My server was standing round ensuring my food was fine when he suddenly look out and seemed mesmerized. Then he turned to me and said that's John Wayne's boat! I looked out and saw Wild Goose. He asked you know who John Wayne is right? Yes, I heard of him before just like I heard of Clint Eastwood and James Dean but it's not my era. I only know he did alot of cowboy western films and his name is quite legendary. And I thought he's still alive but really old kind. So I asked in amazement, do you think he's up there? And the waiter said erm he's passed on...oops
My waiter told me John loves his Wild Goose and used to have a bunch of celebrities in it all the time.
I went online and check it up abit and true enough he did have Wild Goose and this is now owned by a cruise company and you have to pay a hefty sum to charter for it. I prefer my 1 buck open-air ferry ride. I found myself staring outside the waters while consuming my lunch. There's so much activity out there and then I saw a bunch of sea-gulls diving near the surface of the waters and circling the same area. Small powered boats would stop their engines and floated around observing that part of the waters. And then I saw it, a small black head bobbing up the waters and flinging some stuff outta its mouth, then flipped its tail and splash into the waters. It was a sea-lion again. I guess it's trying to break some food into smaller bits by all the flinging, but it sure gets all the birds and humans excited.
And then another waiter came to collect my bill and I was like "Look a sea-lion!" to which he just "uhuh" then collected my bill. Tamade! At least entertain me abit can? He's not like the other John Wayne waiter, I dont like him very much...
It seems alot of the supposedly Rich & Famous stays here at this Beach: Michelle Pfeiffer, Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Dean Koontz and Dennis Rodman. But I dont see them ley...I only see sea-lions which is fine with me. Because even if I do see a celebrity, I'm not going to whip out my camera and do all that "Autograph!!" mania...I will most probably act nonchalant and keep parading up and down sneaking side-peeks at them. With sea-lions, at least I can under broad daylight photo-shoot them from various angles.
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