We finally got to Disneyland! One dude agreed to go cos 3 of us gals paid for his ticket as a birthday present. Well he's saving money cos his parents are coming to town so I'm cool with that. Another went after much much persuasion from my vietnamese friend, she called his mobile until it nearly exploded then finally shoves the mobile to me and says he needs a motivation. So I went "pleeeaase go to Disneyland with me" then its done!
I would say it's a really messy place, spilled over with tourists and locals, there's just too many people! I always thought Disneyland would be a very far-off place buried deep in some remote area. Like travel through some wilderness then suddenly you see the big white Castle in front of you and you know your there. But no ley, it's in a town area, you would pass by shops and banks then the shops suddenly appears more funky with coloured walls and you see a big fence alongside this wall. Next thing you know it's the walls bordering Disneyland's fortress and your driving into the carpark to Disneyland! It's a huge carpark, then you take a tram which drives you to the entrance of Disneyland. No white Castle. Before you step right into the heart of Disney, you see this sign:

Feels so magical once you read it. It's like Disney's promise to you.
Well ya the park was crawling with confused tourists running around trying to get into those snaking lines. It really was just about planning, navigating and trying to get around. I only have 1 day... Waiting in line for the Carousel ride, we saw the wicked queen from Sleeping Beauty walked in and waiting for the Carousel as well! She was so zwai! The air around her, her face and the way she carry herself! She was the perfect wicked queen! We climbed up the horses and hey I'm riding next to her! We acknowledge each other (dont even think for 1 min she will smile ok, otherwise your a shame to the Sleeping Beauty tale) , then I ask her does she ever smile. She glance back at me and say: I'm smiling

Then she asked me "Whose your favourite character"
Without even thinking twice, I pointed at her and say You! *swallow saliva*
Good answer
Next she asked me if I like pies (you wonder where this conversation is heading)
What flavour?
Apple pie? The regular pie
Without hesitation she went Good, I have a very good pie recipe, you wanna try it?
Of cos you say no lah! Then she dismissed me saying it's my loss. Ok lor, Mac Donald's have very nice apple pies too 24/7 somemore. I wore my favourite Superman Tshirt to Disneyland, well, to be part of the fictitious imaginary legends. A band of Ah Pehs clad in band military clothes marched past playing and one Ah Peh stopped, pointed at me and yelled "Look! Supergirl!" and instinctively I posed a Supergirl for him and he waved at me.

We walked on and found ourselves at a quiet little corner of the park, here my friends suggested they take a proper photo of me alone in my Supergirl shirt. I did a really good pose, ready for the camera. To the side of my side, a figure sneaked up and stood beside me and I could see my friend behind the camera smiling back at us. I had no idea who it was. After the picture was taken.... it was Eeyore the Donkey standing beside me! I ran up and check out the picture wondering what Eeyore was doing and found it was posing together with me as well! I turned back and ran after him telling him to give me a hug and he kindly did.

Seemed to be in an awful hurry into the gates behind us. We continued walking into the crowd and saw Winnie the Pooh walking past us. My friend was like quick! I want a picture! We ran after Pooh Bear and my friend was screaming for him to stop and take a picture. The Bear actually ran away.. I dont really blame him, maybe like Eeyore they finished their shift and are in a hurry off to the gate and if he stops for her, everyone else would want a picture too. But if I'm Pooh, I would stop simply because my friend was the first to stopped him and she was screaming so badly to take a picture with him. You dont walk normally and start running off when people want to take picture of their favourite character in Disneyland. But anyways, she managed to take a picture of Jessie from Toy Story so that helped alittle. Note that we were in motion as we snapped this picture because likewise, this character was in a hurry as well.
Here's the link to the rest of Disney pictures: click here
It is truly an experience visiting the park. You do feel your cut away from the rest of the world and in a land of legends and fairy tales just like what that plague promised. They really do have that much money to build a fantasy world.
Then she asked me "Whose your favourite character"
Without even thinking twice, I pointed at her and say You! *swallow saliva*
Good answer
Next she asked me if I like pies (you wonder where this conversation is heading)
What flavour?
Apple pie? The regular pie
Without hesitation she went Good, I have a very good pie recipe, you wanna try it?
Of cos you say no lah! Then she dismissed me saying it's my loss. Ok lor, Mac Donald's have very nice apple pies too 24/7 somemore. I wore my favourite Superman Tshirt to Disneyland, well, to be part of the fictitious imaginary legends. A band of Ah Pehs clad in band military clothes marched past playing and one Ah Peh stopped, pointed at me and yelled "Look! Supergirl!" and instinctively I posed a Supergirl for him and he waved at me.

Seemed to be in an awful hurry into the gates behind us. We continued walking into the crowd and saw Winnie the Pooh walking past us. My friend was like quick! I want a picture! We ran after Pooh Bear and my friend was screaming for him to stop and take a picture. The Bear actually ran away.. I dont really blame him, maybe like Eeyore they finished their shift and are in a hurry off to the gate and if he stops for her, everyone else would want a picture too. But if I'm Pooh, I would stop simply because my friend was the first to stopped him and she was screaming so badly to take a picture with him. You dont walk normally and start running off when people want to take picture of their favourite character in Disneyland. But anyways, she managed to take a picture of Jessie from Toy Story so that helped alittle. Note that we were in motion as we snapped this picture because likewise, this character was in a hurry as well.
Here's the link to the rest of Disney pictures: click here
It is truly an experience visiting the park. You do feel your cut away from the rest of the world and in a land of legends and fairy tales just like what that plague promised. They really do have that much money to build a fantasy world.
1 comment:
The conversation you had with the evil queen was really funny, with your nervousness incorporated with wit in getting yourself out of the situation.. Lol.. ^-^ Reading it and listening it from you both made me giggle.. *Grin.. Enjoy your trip in LA and post your experience and photos here too! - Caz
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