Alrite this is the really romantic sleeping quarters we had at the village. For some strange reasons, each night before I right about lose my consciousness, these words comes to mind: I'm a beeeautiful little butterfly. That's what too much of "A Bug's Life" does to you.

Having spent 4 days with the Karen folks, I know I left a part of myself there and bidding farewell was rather tough. Maybe it's a becoming of self. To be a part of something that's bigger then life itself, how do you let it go? They were able to understand what Goodbye meant and amidst photo shots and hugs, I'm constantly reminded of the fact we may never see each other again. And I can only hope I left an impact in their lives, one that is positive of cos, that there are people who loves them and will try and help them. Bcos they did leave quite a deep one on me.
Chiangmai Academy/Orphanage
The drive was hell. Close to 10hrs of bumming and near-puke experience. Death chill winds, polluted city air, holding-off pissing till stops are made and scrambling into moving vehicle cos driver doesnt really ensure all is safely accounted for and seated. We finally reached the Academy and I was kissing the ground.
Greeted by students of the orphanage and immediately I noticed how Thai people esp those up here in the north look really good! Like this handsome boy, well not real outstanding in this pic but he's seriously gorgeous in person, so agreed by my surrounding friends.

Lady in black is Malee and white is Noch. Very pretty as well. I do not know if they are orphans as some students have parents around but they live in the orphanage. Anways, I noticed Malee cos shes pretty and has a very cool and attitude face. I went up to her and told her she's pretty and she thanked me very politely. Next day we visited the orphanage again and I decided to take a picture of them. After which I walked to a nearby swing and sat by myself while listening to some ongoing sermon. Malee came up and asked if she could sit beside me and we made small talks then she requested that we exchange contacts so we could keep in touch. See what I told you about being cool and attitude? You would never expect that this individual be the more forward between the both of us. Me, arguably the more seasoned and city slicker and she having spent all 10yrs of her life in an orphanage and possibly never have travelled in a airplane was the one to reach out. I was more than impressed and humbled. We did and both she and Noch would be receiving a copy of the photograph below.
Right now at this point in time, I would really like to sponsor someone from that orphanage. And I know I will work towards that aim.

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