Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Im going BKK!

4 days 3 nights woohoo! Last min decision, booked everything online and I'll be back on Friday

A little apprehensive though with the little unpleasant stuff that sparked off from the ASEAN cup, oh well...stay tune for updates and pics

And YES I've finally gotten a decent mobile...the long await ericsson W850 in White!

One of these days, I'll get down to blogging about my mobile stories....all ill-fated.

Will guard this baby with my life keke

oh ya my NZD pics? Consider them fully uploaded, there's more but these are the nicest ones too lazy to sort them thru again =)

1 comment:

WonderWoman said...

yesh, pls avoid at all cost letting your new baby slip out of your hand and into the dirty east coast sea water.. hehehe