Small people with great big identities
My company celebrated some cultural unity event today at the raffles convention hall. We were joined by overseas colleagues from all over the world. I went with the idea it would be more like a seminar talk where people sit in rows but it turned out to be more like a wedding banquet layout. Seated in round tables there were food of all sorts, toys and presents. All activities relates to cultural diversity and its benefits. I saw Taiwanese,Hongkies,Chinese nationals,South African,Australian,British,Americans,Japanese,Korean and Thai all in one ballroom celebrating. You know how they always promote harmony among races and the likes. We know it, we know how to sing songs that echoes it, we grew up with it but our personal experiences lacks exposure. Until we experience it ourselves, we cant truly claim we know about it. In the evening I walked away feeling pleasantly humbled. It was a familiar feeling that I've not been acquainted with for a long time.
Through primary and secondary the ratio of local to foreign classmates I had was approx 1 : 3. Let me see, there were the Malaysians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Thais made quite a population and a couple of Burmese, Koreans and Americans. Being a mission school, most of them were children of Pastors. My best friend was a Malaysian, my favourite singing buddy was from India and the Burmese was someone whom I would have political debates with. Most times it was friendly, occasionally it would get a little more heated and that was when she started complaining about the government here and the kind of fees and charges she has to pay just for being a foreign student. I can sympathise with her but at that point it just irks me. But it never got to the level where we stopped talking.
One Chinese New Year when most have gone back to their country for holiday,this British classmate of mine stayed behind and I invited her for a stayover so that she could go visiting with me and experience how its like to celebrate our new year. When friends bunk in together they usually talk the night away right? I forgot how it started, we were lying on the bed in the dark and we found ourselves talking about French kiss. Now I must remind you that I was at my 'exploring stage' then, I heard about the term but I din know about it. Like what it actually means. She was shocked at my ignorance, she proceeds to explain what the mouths were suppose to do and having done that she shot me with a You wanna try it?. She looked serious and ready. I was too shocked to reply. I gave her the Chinese New Year celebration experience and she gave me the most unforgettable moment of my life:"Huh??..No thanks.." I lost contact with most of them now. Graduated and gone back to their countries. I feel lonely sometimes, as if I misplaced a stage of my life cos most part of my growing up were with these people and I dont even know where they are. No one can tell me things like "You remember how we used to dig real deep holes in the compound and cover them with cupboard and leaves just so that others can fall into it?" cos they're no longer around.