Monday, December 09, 2002

The music I make while I'm cruising

I'm that bitch behind the wheels. You know, those type that interprets the indicator as a signal to accelerate. Upon seeing the car ahead flash its signal with intentions of filtering into my lane will have me pump down hard on my gas, eliminating any chance of cutting in front of me. My motto: Wanna get in? Smell my smoke.

Today, I tasted this evil medicine. This bloke drove as fast alongside as me, refusing to let me filter in. He's bent on me cutting behind him instead of in front of his vehicle. In what seemed like forever, my mom told me what I already knew but am stubbornly changllenging against :' he's not gonna give way to you, u'll have to go in behind'.

The familiarity of these stings. Its one thing to do it to others, it's sucky having to experience it.

The devil in me must be driving today, I decided on driving close by this idiot bloke whom I'll call dumbass. By staying close to dumbass, there'll bound to be opportunity of revenge or something similiar. I didnt have to wait long. Dumbass drove slightly ahead on the lane beside me, saw the road ahead blocked by stationary cars and tried to enter my lane. Not a chance. I was accelerating in an attempt to get alongside dumbass the moment I saw those stationary cars. I knew he would try cutting into my lane and no way in hell would I let him do that. Dumbass swerve towards my lane and he could have gotten in had I ease up on my gas. But I was pumping hard remember. And as I sped, I blared my horn making him swerve back in panic. Sweet Revenge

Mom saw through my evil plot. "Your just like your dad!"

My dad's another devil behind the wheels. Pedestrians at traffic crossing sees his vehicle a distance away, does illegal crossing even though the lights are against their favour wouldnt expect my dad to suddenly speed down on them blaring his horn away. They ran of course.

So you see mom, it's really quite a nice feeling. You should try it sometime.

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