Thursday, September 26, 2002

In Rome, speak as the Romans do...

As usual, a million and one things to do but nothing too terribly important. Which makes me kinda sad cos if you think about it, whats the value of the 7 stacks of the company's memo I've just photocopied and compiled? Try calling up japanese clinics to enquire about their operating hours so that our jap expats are well taken care of should they run into some kinda freak disaster. Whats the value in that? My mom could do these, maybe even my grandma if she's adventurous. I didnt know Singapore has japanese clinics to begin with, well, today I know. On top of that, the receptionist I got through to was a pure Jap, it didnt occur to me calling jap clinics would connect me to heavily accented japo receptionist as I'm so used to foreign companies with local front-line employees with the ability to speak the foreign language. For her case, its the ability to speak the english lanuage. I must admit, I got a little nervous when she greeted me with a flood of words I couldnt understand. I said : Erm, you speak english? Its incredible she could understand me accurately without needing me to repeat myself for all the enquires I furthur loaded on her. Her tone was one that's eager to serve, not to mention polite as well. Something that amused me furthur was when she said the word twelve. It sounded twelve-ru and I suspect there were many other little 'ru's she cant helped adding behind her words, just this particular twelve that was really thick the 'ru' sounded. Why cant she stop at the 'ff' her mouth makes when she mouth the word 'twelve'? Habit I guess, but it does amuse me =)