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And Then There Are Times
I get awaken prematurely especially on my designated Sleep-In-Day, a routine which I faithfully adhere to and uphold like a sacred ritual. Lady on the line spoke with deliberate politeness (could sense she wasnt used to being polite) that I'm among some fortunate 30 who have won some lucky draw.
Sensing that I'm not recalling, she asked me if i remember filling out some lucky draws at some shopping mall and the only one I could recall was the Harvey Norman forms I filled out. She wasnt too interested in my reply and launch into a script-like rattle of the various items I've won: Designer Italian watch, travel package and quite a few more which I couldnt register at my raw state of mind. Collection time was to be at The Adelphi 2pm. Must be exactly 2pm? I questioned. To which she replied, well if you come later then you'll end later. Wait a min...isnt it a pick and go thing? Afterall it's a 'collection' right? She seemed to read my mind, let me explain she says. My warning alarm went off 'Phony! Bogus! No way is it a simple lucky draw' "Once your here, we will explain our travel promotion to you and inform you of the discounts you will get should you be interested in signing up for our membership...*the rest is unregistered*
This definitely did not sound Harvey Norman, so I told her, I dont think I took part in any contest. This is not a contest she replied. Well, I didnt take part in this lucky draw then...but this is also not a lucky draw...Didnt she start off the whole conversation asking if I remember filling up some forms for a lucky draw? If I were to ask the words "What is this then?" I know more of my precious mobile time would be charged as she dives back into one of the scripts she has, with chunks of lines to rattle off before a response is needed. Maybe with pointers entitled 'How to baffle those suckers again once they sense something is amiss'. So I pass.
Alrite here comes the rejection I must dish out. I suck at giving flowery excuses to get out of sitatuations, I know some people out there who can do wonderful job of getting out of things yet still come off as *oh...such a sweetie...I know you would love to be suckered by me and understand that you just cant help but reject my attempt to do so bcos you have such a sweet reason and I dont blame you at all..* All I could manage was a "Nah I think I'll forgo this". She paused and I could just read the evil bubble forming at her head: #$#$%%@#, I tell ya, it was one pause which made me feel so uncomfortable. Obvious that she's regaining herself: "But m'am, this is a great opportunity..." Nope I dont think I want it, thanks.
"Ok then Bye" Click.
Without adequate sleep, my Sunday was ruined, I was tired but not tired enough to get back to bed so I moped around the house lethargic and sunk my lifeless mass in front of the teevee while playing furniture to the rest of my family.
To end, I bought this new beverage just cos it signifies my mood totally and upon tasting the drink, the message on the Can all the more amplifies my feeling of the day.
Tech Savvy I'm Not...

will you just look at that...wires everywhere! Spent good half of my day cleaning up my room specifically my dust-laden computer. Oh gosh..I just remember I need to change my bedsheets after all this cleaning and it's like 2ish in the morning...grrrreat.
Painstakingly unplugged the various components and gave them a good wipe and it's when I discover the Law of Gravity doesnt apply to Dust. Dust collects everywhere! Even on the underside of wires and my glass table. Anyways back to the dirt cleaning, my Creative speakers have a maze of wires, they're like tentacles sprawled all over and it's no joke sorting them out. And then there was my block of a scanner, something we exchanged for through accumulation of reward points. It's the thickness of two textbooks atop each other and did I mention so many wires! I was lazy to label the wires to the respective sockets thinking I'm real cool about which hole to plug into correctly..
You guessed it, I dim-wittedly ran my high powered Creative adaptor into the scanner and with everything else in place, I flick the switch on.."Beep! Beep! Beep!!" in retrospect I believe that the beeping was in fact Morse Code for "I'm gonna die!!!". It happened fast, 'Pop', I killed the power and white smoke with some plasticky smell followed.
Believe me, I've never felt smarter. Couldnt get my PC to respond after that, could turn it on but my monitor couldnt detect any signals, not to mention the beeping continued persistently. To cut it short, my brother came to the rescue (thank God for brothers! No thank God for tech-savvy brothers). He couldnt pin the problem but he swapped the memory card into a different slot and it worked!
Life oozed back into my virtual gadget and I cant begin describing how happy to be baack clicking my mousey and drumming my keyboard! Ahhh..internet is my other source of life, my connection to the world...ok sounding drama..I'm happily blogging again and I've downloaded my favourite Huang Yi Da track - 'Xi Huan Ni, Xi Huan Wo' playing it on Repeat for what seemed eternity. This has gotta be Cherandy's track of
the year.
Everything's Normal again
Once you get hold of that driving license, getting lost takes on a whole new meaning.
Liz bought herself a car and wasted no time in getting lost, she claimed it took her a whole hour to get from Orchard to Marina. These days she's more familiar with Orchard so if she wish to get to anywhere in Singapore, we would see her travelling to Orchard before she can start navigating herself to the desired destination. To me this is an improvement, at least the woman is able to find her bearing once she hit the familar town streets.
Tonight is my virgin experience letting her drive me home. A common friend Wen, who had prior experience warned me "You cant talk to her while she's driving. Just keep very very quiet...I almost fell asleep that time...." she recounted miserably.
I made a mental note: Keep very quiet, Talk only when absolute necessary. e.g: "Watch Out!" or "What did we hit??" finally "Arrrrgh!! We're gonna Die!".
Anyway the Moment arrived. Wen and myself told Liz we're ready to go home. Liz became very quiet then suddenly announced she gotta pee and hurried away. We were all convinced she's damn nervous.
I'm typing this blog on my own PC in my cosy HDB bedroom so's not that bad afterall. There wasnt a need to utter those lines above, we were even able to hold a decent conversation about the kind of songs she burned on her CD. In fact I think she's a pretty darn steady driver this is besides the fact that she has a scary habit of turning Right from the Left lane.
I had my share of getting lost and I'm most afraid of big towns which distinguishes its roads with numbers: Avenue 1, Avenue 2, bcos numbers dont make much of an impression to me and I get lost easily when surrounded by too many numbers.
Common ones to see are: Avenue (insert numeric) , Lorong (insert numeric), Drive (numeric) and Street (numeric).
Just wondering are there such things like " Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Street 65 " ?
How about " Ang Mo Kio Drive 6 Lorong 9 Avenue 2 Street 65?
My brother's Back...
for vacation that is, and he's got this beauuutiful kiwi figurine for me. Well, it's simply lovely cept it wasnt really what I had in mind...I had wanted a kiwi which I could actually handle, this kiwi figurine is enclosed in a liquid glass globe and when given some shakes, glitters would swish around. Not the exact thing I'd asked for but it's a real pretty thing and I liked it lots. Has kinda hypnotic effect with all the swirling glitz and my eyes just glazed over with all the intense staring..
So he's back and my mom's on holidays, I So feel like I'm on holiday as well, my job search can wait...well at least till after my Chingmai trip in December.
In other news, we went to the John Little Sale yesterday and gosh they had undergarments going at a dollar! I know what you're thinking, that they're Grandma material i.e. that stretches up to your tummy. On the contrary, there are real nice ones around going for the buck. Fancy prints of flowers and some tiny beads in front. Swweet!
Do you know that a nice pair of undergarment boosts the confidence level? Try it! For that extra boost, pick out your best piece.
Who holds the Key to all their strenght?
'The Incredibles' truly blew me over.
Warning: This post can be considered a spoiler for those who havent seen the film, so do not read on if it matters to you.
Anyways, the part that did it for me was when Mr Incredible with all his mighty super strength told his wife in desperation that she cant follow him on his dangerous mission despite her having super powers as well, bcos he simply cannot risk losing her again (previously he was misled into thinking the evil villian had destroyed his entire family). With all his super-human strength, the exact words he used were 'I'm not strong enough' when it comes to the thought of losing his wife.
Such irony and yet in itself, most beautiful and touching. This is the very reason why this movie appealed so much to me. Similarly in 'Superman: The Movie', an anguished Superman remembered how he lost his adoptive father Jonathan Kent to heart diesease and he bitterly thought to himself something to the lines of: "..with all the powers in the world, yet I couldnt save the man.." with that,he was even more determined not to lose Lois and proceeded to bring her back to life.
There are people around who appear formidable, untouchable, full of self-confidence and seem to have the world at the palm of their hands. And I think the more 'powerful' they get, the more vulnerable they are. This shouldnt be taken as a bad thing of cos. So if you know your strength is built on someone dear to you, you should start appreciating that individual and not take him/her for granted.
I know of a friend whose father treats her mom with the utmost care as she has real bad asthma and many times attacks were so bad they nearly lost her. Her dad calls her mom 'Loh Fatt Ye' meaning Empress Dowager. I bet her mom feels so loved. I also recall how my father seemed afraid when he had to clean my badly abused knee wound. Click here for that episode. So you see, everyone has points of weaknesses and many times it's emotions that rules.
You know once news get around of your resignation, people at your workplace starts morphing into somebody or something else? It's sublimal, attitudes change and some just avoid talking to you altogether. I'm especially disappointed in a certain colleague who was initially real helpful and forward with help needed. Towards the last few months of my termination, I was treated indifferently and I cant help but felt there could have been a conspiracy going on. I felt judged and misunderstood. I wish my colleague knew the person I am instead of basing it from hearsay.
There were a couple however, who encouraged me throughout and I appreciated it thoroughly.
Who hasnt heard about office politics? But just what kinda person do you wanna be? You can be the type that plays the game well and just like a monitor lizard switch sides constantly following majority, or you can play half the game but remain indifferent when it comes to matters that's not of your concern thus playing it safe, or you cant help but be in the game but speak words of encouragement for matters that's not of your concern and risk offending the majority.
I must state that anybody can be a player but ultimately I guess it all boils down to whether you can live with yourself being such an individual. At some point I was really disgusted and angry. And I ask myself what have I learnt from the Bible. I learnt that sometimes people may not know what they are doing and no one can be perfect, including me. When Jesus was persecuted and misunderstood, He prayed for those who persecuted Him. I'm not saying I'm like Jesus holy and perfect, praying for those persecuting Him. I myself am full of imperfection and the least I can do is pray for Jesus to take my hurt away and not be angry anymore.
Come to think of it, isnt it wonderful? Some school of belief has it that forgiveness or detachment of such bitterness is required to seek peace and higher levels of enlightenment. I guess my belief is that forgiveness is required because of love. Jesus loves you, so do I.