Saturday, May 01, 2004

Desire of Ages

We caught the movie "Passion of Christ" yesterday. It does make you cry. Well, maybe if played on telly it might not but in the theatre where it feels you're right there, it just very well might.

I did and so did strangers around us. Its not a sign of weakness, it's the ultimate strength given to humans.

I feel people watching this movie could cry for different reasons. Christians knowing the story, cries as we are shown a graphical representation of what He have gone through for us though keeping in mind there might be exerggerated scences played up for theatrical reasons. Dramatized or not, one thing's for sure, it sure was helluva painful. We're talking about the treatment reserved for the vilest criminal here so you cant say it couldnt have hurt much.

Non-christians cry when they are shown a human being treated in such a cruel way. Whether they believe in Christ or not, these forms of punishment were real and you gasp at how cruel Man can be towards each other.

So I went reading up about this Roman punishment called 'Crucifixion' to try gain more insight of what they subject the Human body through and came upon this article which gave an account of what Jesus's body went through from a medical perspective."

The four Gospels in the Bible: Mark, Mathew, Luke and John recorded the events leading up to His death but none presented it in such a manner.